Everyday life is the special occasion!

January 02, 2017

New Year's Reflections

Most of our goals in life are to get the correct education, make the right friends, work hard, earn a good salary, lead a safe life, establish the right connections and it does sound good, I admit it, but most of the times life's path isn't that linear that we are able to march through it orderly like a machine. It actually resembles more like a merry-go-round with  ups and downs, highs and lows, successes and failures, dreams and disappointments. Events/ people are always changing and often times we are just forced to stop resisting and surrender to life’s flow simply because we do not control it anymore. I've learnt to accept it, though not easily, but I've made up my mind to continually seek to improve myself and hope that through each cycle of life, through each round it takes, be it a good or a bad one, I may become a better person.


  1. Wish you all the best in New Year!

  2. Hola preciosa, hace mucho tiempo que no te he dejado un comentario, estoy realmente liada y prácticamente no visito ningún blog, pero que sepas que me acuerdo mucho de tí, siempre leal y cariñosa. Estoy totalmente de acuerdo contigo, tenemos que aprender a aceptar todo lo que se presenta en la vida y te aseguro que cuanto más consciencia ponemos en ello, más sencillo es conseguir lo que dices, ser mejores personas.
    Tengo la certeza de que vamos muy bien encaminadas. Feliz Año Nuevo Aida, disfruta de la vida a tope y nunca dejes tu alegría de vivir. Mil besos

  3. You are already the best. Just focus on staying the beautiful person that you are.
